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Unleash the Flavor:

Book Moose on the Loose Food Truck for Your Next Event!

There's something magical about the fusion of family warmth and comfort food, and that's precisely what Moose on the Loose brings to the table—literally! As a family-owned and operated food truck, we take pride in serving not just food but a wholesome experience that resonates with the spirit of family gatherings. Whether you're planning an intimate family celebration or a lively public event, booking Moose on the Loose guarantees a delectable journey into the heart of comfort cuisine.

Booking Moose on the Loose for your event is a breeze. Visit our website or give us a call, and let us know about your event details. We understand the importance of customization, and our team is ready to tailor the menu to fit your preferences and theme, ensuring that every dish resonates with the spirit of your event.

Contact us for booking

Email :  

Phone:   518-285-0054


Why us?

Moose on the Loose isn't just a food truck; it's a labor of love crafted by a family passionate about creating memorable moments through food. Our recipes are not just handed down; they're perfected over generations, ensuring that every bite is infused with the warmth and authenticity of a home-cooked meal.  The heart of our menu lies in comfort food, but with a delightful twist that will surprise and satisfy even the most discerning palates. From hearty stews and soul-soothing soups to mouthwatering sandwiches and indulgent desserts, our offerings are a celebration of familiar flavors elevated to a whole new level. When it comes to creating memorable events infused with family warmth and comforting flavors, Moose on the Loose is your go-to choice. Let our family join yours to make your event an unforgettable celebration of togetherness and deliciousness. Book  Moose on the Loose  and embark on a journey where every bite tells a story of love, tradition, and the joy of good food!

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Private or Public Events

Imagine hosting a family reunion, birthday party, or a cozy wedding celebration with the comforting aroma of home-style cooking filling the air. Booking Moose on the Loose for your private event ensures that your guests experience the joy of sharing wholesome meals prepared with love. Our family becomes an extension of yours, making your celebration truly special.

Taking the family comfort on the road, Moose on the Loose is a perfect addition to community events, local festivals, and fairs. Our food truck becomes a hub of excitement, drawing in crowds with the promise of familiar yet innovative flavors. It's not just about serving food; it's about creating a communal experience that brings people together.

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